Yan Huang: Human Being
Truth Tastes Funny with Hersh Rephun
How do we stay sane, survive, and thrive in today’s world? On the Truth Tastes Funny podcast, writer/comedian Hersh Rephun explores the absurdity of life’s challenges, while engaging with experts who’ve dedicated themselves to finding serious solutions.
Hersh Rephun

Yan Huang: Human Being

S4 E76 • Mar 5, 2024 • 73 mins

In this episode, Hersh Rephun speaks with Yan Huang about her journey from battling self-esteem issues, an abusive relationship, and cancer, to becoming a competitive bodybuilder. They delve into Yan's pivot into tech and ecommerce, the role of spirituality in her life, and the paradox of building genuine relationships in today's digital age.

Key Points

  • Yan Wang's journey from battling childhood illnesses to becoming a cancer survivor influenced her approach to health and fitness, ultimately leading her to become known as the pivotal healer.
  • Her spiritual awakening and subsequent baptism at age 33 profoundly impacted her life, leading to deeper introspection, a focus on forgiveness, and a shift towards intentional living.
  • Yan's discovery of the "rest, digest, manifest" practice reflects her belief in the power of aligning one's physical state with spiritual and intuitive actions to achieve desired outcomes in life.

Discover Yan: Instagram - http://instagram.com/@therealyanhuang Newsletter - Subscribe to newsletter: http://yuyanhuang.substack.com/ Youtube - Tag me on YouTube @therealyanhuang or use the link to my channel https://youtube.com/c/WellnessWithYan Website: https://linktr.ee/therealyanhuang

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