Truth Tastes Funny with Hersh Rephun
Truth Tastes Funny with Hersh Rephun
How do we stay sane, survive, and thrive in today’s world? On the Truth Tastes Funny podcast, writer/comedian Hersh Rephun explores the absurdity of life’s challenges, while engaging with experts who’ve dedicated themselves to finding serious solutions.
Hersh Rephun

Surviving and Thriving, Effortlessly, with Erin Andrea Craske

S5 E89 • Jun 12, 2024 • 30 mins

Erin Andrea Craske is a fantastic double-brainer, who simultaneously blends strategy and humanity," said Hersh after interviewing this award-winning strategist with a 20-year career, culminating as Global Head of Consumer Brands. With expertise in strategic development, profitability, leadership, and communication, Erin's an ICF-certified business and leadership success coach. Leveraging 16 years of leadership, she empowers impact-driven businesses to succeed on their terms and build a profitable business while amplifying a ripple effect of goodness.

Key Points

  • Effortlessness in life is about achieving a state of peace, where emotions are balanced and external circumstances do not provoke reactive behavior.
  • Recognizing that fears and anxieties are often just thoughts allows individuals to take control of their reactions and diminish negative emotions.
  • Questioning societal and organizational rules that do not serve personal well-being can lead to a more authentic and empowered existence.

Connect with Erin

  • A gift of two full coaching sessions to the listeners
  • A 50% discount on the strategy guide - all-in-one marketing toolbox - using EFFORTLESS code at the TGBBS checkout
  • Freebies: business surveys, marketing frameworks, quotes, and strategy guide material
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